Below we have assembled some helpful weather and fishing information resources for you. One of the keys to having a safe and successful day on the water is to ALWAYS know what mother nature has in store for you! Its not only necessary to know what the current weather is and the forecast for today; when going offshore, we like to know what the forecast is for the next 48 hours. Weather information must always be from a credible source because bad information is worse than no information. The resources below come from some of the most trusted names in the business and any waterman worth his salt checks in with these guys before venturing out. Please enjoy and we hope you find them helpful. is an absolute must in any charters captains tools chest. You can get a two day forecast absolutely free from these guys and trust me its priceless. These guys are absolutely the best in the business and their forecast are pretty much 95-100% accurate locally, which is unheard of. They are a sister site of; the premier surfers forecast site. Anybody who is anyone in the surfing community knows and their forecasting ability. The “Summary” section gives you a synopsis of the prevailing wind speed, direction and swell conditions expected for the next 24 hours. The shorter the wave period (sec) and taller the swell (feet) the rougher the ride will be. What many Captains refer to as “snotty seas”. The ‘Forecast” section provides a graphical analysis of expected swell heights and averages; as well as wind speeds in gusts and averages. The “Swell” section provides valuable information about the dominant direction of the swell by geographical location. This is crucial information to boaters because it provides information about how the seas will progress as you head offshore, as well as your return to shore hours later. The “Period” and “Wind” section just provide more graphical analysis. Salty Dog Charters keeps a premium membership with these guys so we have the best information possible for your charter.
while a relatively new tool to the fishing community is another sister site to and We find that these guys provide some of the best information possible that used to come from only a select few sites at a premium price. They provide valuable information such as SST’s (sea surface temps), chlorophyll concentrations, currents, ect. These are basically the weather patterns of the sea. By learning these seasonal patterns; a captain, angler, ect can figure out what to expect of the sea during given temperature and weather conditions. Not unlike any other creature, fish prefer certain temperatures and will migrate north and south or east and west according to those temps. Learning to take your angling skills to the next level is a matter of learning the rules that govern the way fish act and what they do in given conditions. It is a vast sea out there and without some insight into these factors it is often very discouraging trying to “find the fish”. At Salty Dog Charters, we keep premium subscriptions to these resources and check them before every charter to provide you with the best possible fishing experience for your trip. If you have any questions regarding this or any other tools on our site, please don’t hesitate to send us an email.